Oxford-Edinburgh Legal Philosophy Graduate Colloquium 2016

Sunday, 23 October 2016, 08:30-16:10
Wharton Room, All Souls College

Oxford graduate students and Faculty are very welcome to attend for part or all of the day. If you would like to do so, please RSVP to hasan[dot]dindjer[at]all-souls.ox.ac.uk.

Abstracts are available to download here. Conference papers will be distributed via email to those who confirmed their attendance.

Provisional schedule:

08.30 - 09.00
Tea, Coffee, Pastries
09.00 - 10.10
Vinicius Vidor (Edinburgh), 'The argument from truth as a defense for freedom of speech'
Commentator: Leah Trueblood (Oxford)
10.10 - 11.20
Martin Kelly (Edinburgh), 'What is the “Literal Rule” of Statutory Interpretation?'
Commentator: Alison Young (Oxford)
11.20 - 11.30
11.30 - 12.40
Paul Burgess (Edinburgh), 'Putting the Problems of the Rule of Law in Context'
Commentator: Ewan Smith (Oxford)
12.40 - 13.40
13.40 - 14.50
Lucas Miotto (Edinburgh), 'Threats and the Law'
Commentator: Grant Lamond (Oxford)
14.50 - 15.00
15.00 - 16.10
Keynote by James Edwards (Oxford), ‘Standing to Hold Responsible’

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